Monday, July 24, 2006

The Dizza Turns 29

Not yet...but tomorrow! Yes, July 25 is the magic day, when good falls over the land and peace is felt on earth (hear that, Hezbollah and Israel? Don't make me fly over there and put the smack down like Supafly!). Understandably, LID's loyal readers have been clamoring for something to send The Dizza. And those of you who have been with me since the start know the answer immediately...why, Kenneth Cole of course! I'm not picky, it could be a pair of socks, a headband, whatever...I've even got a Kenneth Cole keychain, for cryin' out loud. Although I won't be mad at anyone who sends over an IOU for that smooth Michael Kors belt I've been clamoring for.

You know what always got me, though? I never got to share a birthday with a cool celebrity. Some people get Jaimie Foxx, Halle Berry or Bill Cosby...I get Estelle Getty and Iman (do you even remember who she is?). Big whoop. A 300-year old actress from the Golden Girls and a washed-up supermodel.

Anyway, I still have to figure out where I'm going to eat tomorrow. Since I just switched jobs and don't have any vacation time, I can't do the "fly to New York City, eat and fly back" route, tempting though it may be. Maybe I'll go to East Side Mario's, a great restaurant next door in Livonia that's set up to look like NYC on the inside, complete with a replica of the Brooklyn Bridge that crosses overhead from one side of the restaurant to the other. Hopefully I won't run into East Side Luigi or South Side Mario, two rival drug lords of East Side Mario...I'd hate to see a knife fight go down right when I'm biting into my linguine...


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